Gear up to brave your greatest adventure yet with the Patagonia Black Hole® Duffel 55L. This duffel bag is a resilient pack for any nature lover thanks to weather- and abrasion-resistant ripstop fabric, a padded base to protect your things on rocky terrain, and reinforced exterior daisy chains for lashing all your extra gear. Traversal is comfortable and easy with ergonomic shoulder straps that are fully removable for versatile travel and a unique packable design that allows you to self-stow the bag in its own side pocket for compact storage. With convenient, dependable haul handles and an interior mesh lid pocket for efficient and organized packing, this Fair Trade Certified™ duffel is your most reliable travel buddy ever.
Our 7 Michigan specialty outdoor gear and apparel shops carry a wide selection of industry leading brands, with a highly trained sales staff to make sure you have the right gear for any activity outdoors. As true Michigander's we support our local markets & communities.
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The all new BoyneRewards program is here. Make your adventures work for you with the Boyne Rewards program and earn points toward free powder runs with your friends. Easily earn points toward free gear, golf, skiing, lodging, spa visits, and more! Click to sign up or learn more.